The Quest to Bridge Body and Mind: How NeuroAffective Touch Got Its Start
An Interview with Dr. Aline LaPierre NeuroAffective Touch® founder Dr. Aline LaPierre recounts her unconventional entry into the fields of psychotherapy and bodywork, which led her to create a unique bridge between the two. As she explains in this interview, the use of psychologically attuned touch awakens the body’s healing matrix, opening the door to […]Read more...
The World Health Organization Introduces Complex PTSD
A new diagnosis based on worldwide research This blog is my attempt to synthesize the research conducted by the World Health Organization that led to official acceptance of the new diagnosis of Complex PTSD. Clinicians have long battled to add developmental and relational trauma to the already accepted diagnosis of shock trauma. C-PTSD is an […]Read more...
Is There a Touch Taboo in Psychotherapy?
Five arguments in favor of the use of touch in therapy There is a widespread belief in the psychological community that the use of touch in psychotherapy is illegal. The “taboo” against the use of touch was established long ago. This prohibition, which still persists today, prevents touch from being accepted as a valuable psychotherapeutic […]Read more...