Jenn Campolo joined the NeuroAffective Touch Institute in 2023 to support the Institute’s digital communications.

She has served as a copywriter and editor in the wellness and personal growth fields for nearly a decade and has additional experience in print journalism and book editing.

Jenn was first introduced to body-mind integration techniques as a young child by her father, a biofeedback pioneer who led her through body scans to help her get ready for bedtime. Since learning to meditate in her teen years, she has been an avid explorer of psycho-spiritual work and the healing arts.

She holds a BA in English from Yale and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the Pacific University of Oregon, where she wrote her master’s thesis on caregiving, loss, and renewal. Outside of her professional work, she enjoys swimming, reading, and spending time with her friends, her cat, and her husband.